Permanent traders - the market hall is currently open 4 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday). Growth incentives are available to assist business expansion. Please read our new stall holder information pack for full details.
Casual traders - stalls are available for casual traders subject to availability, please contact to book your stall.
Table top - stalls are available to sell unwanted household items. Table top stalls are available subject to availability and are offered at a reduced rate (if an individual buys items to sell, this makes them a trader and the reduced rate will not apply). Please read our table top rules for full details.
Super Saturdays - this is ideal for crafters, home made food stalls, table top, and young traders. Stalls available every Saturday for only £10.
If you are interested in a trading at Alfreton Indoor Market, please complete our application form and return it to:
Vicki England
Amber Valley Borough Council
Town Hall
Contact the team directly on 01773 520363 or email