Amber Valley Borough Council welcomes events in the borough that enhance the quality of life of its residents and attracts visitors and tourism to the area.
In doing so, the council recognises that along with the event organisers, it has a part to play in ensuring events are safe, considerate and successful and meet the objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 (where appropriate).
The number and variety of events staged across the borough ranges from minor fun runs, outdoor fetes, country and craft shows and charity events to major gatherings, carnivals, sports events, outdoor entertainments, street celebrations, concerts and music festivals.
All such gatherings pose public safety issues for organisers and the events organisers guides have been compiled to provide guidance for all stages of planning and organising your events safely.
In order to assist smaller scale events, this concise guide provides the information in a compact format to help you identify the issues easily. This should be read in conjunction with the full events management safety booklet which provides a comprehensive list of all the information required for major events. Depending upon the size of your event, some of the guidance sheets may not be relevant.
The full Event Management Safety Booklet, including appendixes and checklists can be downloaded using the links below.
Further information is available from:
Once you have decided to hold your event, don’t forget to publicise it to the public.
Contact the team directly on 01773 841542 or email